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Community Beach

Our community beach is available to all home owners and their guests.  We ask that you take a moment to review the CLHOA's rules


  • Swimming is at your own risk; children should be accompanied by an adult at the beach area.

  • Parents are responsible at all times for their childrens' behavior at the beach area.

  • The gazebo area may be reserved by contacting the Secretary of the Homeowners Association.

  • Overnight stays in the beach area must be arranged in advance, through the secretary of the Homeowners Association. RV and Tent camping are allowed for two days only and Tent camping is to be behind the Gazebo area only. No open fires are permitted and personal trash is to be removed.

  • Dogs should be on a leash in the beach area. Trash and dog waste are to be cleaned up and disposed of properly.

  • Alcoholic beverages are permitted in moderation and behavior of all people using the beach area is to be respectful, legal and considerate of others.

  • Quiet hours of 10PM to 6AM are to be observed and respected while using the beach area.

  • Do not use canoes, paddle boats, kayaks or other equipment that does not belong to you. Homeowners may store their equipment on the racks provided for this, they are not community property. Storage of equipment is at the owners risk.

  • If you have a concern, or see a safety hazard; you as a Homeowner have a responsibility to notify a Homeowner Association board member ASAP.

  • If you use the boat launch, dock or beach area it is expected that as a member, you attend and help out on clean up and project days.

  • Any criminal or suspicious behavior in the beach area should be reported to the police by the member witnessing it


  • Guests must be in the company of the Homeowner or must have a GUEST PASS in their possession (and be prepared to present it when requested) to use the beach area.

  • Never leave the gate open or unlocked for a guest (or at any other time).

  • Additional GUEST PASSES and GATE KEYS are available from the Treasurer if lost for a $25 fee.

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